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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

D. A. Akinpelu†, Z. Chenguang, I. Schoegl, N. Minocha, and K. Nandakumar, 2023. Two-dimensional dynamics of a mobile elliptical cylinder in an upward flow. Physics of Fluids, 35:053603, doi:10.1063/5.0141873.

Y. M. Almarzooq, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen, 2023. Laminar flame speed measurements of a gasoline surrogate and its mixtures with ethanol at elevated pressure and temperature. Fuel, 343:128003, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128003.

W. Dang, M. Gurunadhan,W. Ard‡, I. Schoegl, and S. Menon, 2022. Droplet evaporation-based approach for microliter fuel property measurements. Int. J. Thermophysics, 34, doi:10.1007/s10765-022-02987-1.

W. Dang, M. Gurunadhan, I. Schoegl, and S. Menon, 2021. Temperature effects on droplet oscillation decay with application to fuel property measurement. Atomizations and Sprays, 31:1–23, doi:10.1615/AtomizSpr.2021039068.

P. Radyjowski, I. Schoegl, and J. L. Ellzey, 2021. Experimental and analytical investigation of a counter-flow reactor at lean conditions. Comb. Sci. Tech., 195:107-132, doi:10.1080/00102202.2021.1938017.

N. Roohani†, V. M. Sauer§, and I. Schoegl, 2021. Effects of dilution and pressure on combustion characteristics within externally heated micro-tubes. Proc. Combust. Inst., 38:6695–6702, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.090.

S. P. Cooper, O. Mathieu, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen, 2020. High-pressure ignition delay time measurements of a four-component gasoline surrogate and its high-level blends with ethanol and methyl acetate. Fuel, 275:118016, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118016.

W. Dang, W. Zhao, I. Schoegl, and S. Menon, 2020. A small-volume, high-throughput approach for surface tension and viscosity measurements of liquid fuels. Meas. Sci. Technology, 31:095301, doi:10.1088/1361-6501/ab8b23.

T. Acharya, J. Falgoust, I. Schoegl, and M. Martin, 2019. Measurement of variation of momentum accommodation coefficients with molecular mass and structure. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 33, doi:10.2514/1.T5659.

I. Schoegl, V. M. Sauer§, and P. Sharma†, 2019. Predicting combustion characteristics in externally heated microtubes. Combust. Flame, 204:33–48, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.02.029.

O. Mathieu, L. T. Pinzón, T. M. Atherley, C. R. Mulvihill, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen, 2019. Experimental study of ethanol oxidation behind reflected shock waves: Ignition delay time and H2O laser-absorption measurements. Combustion and Flame, 208:313 – 326, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.07.005.

L. T. Pinzón, O. Mathieu, C. R. Mulvihill, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen, 2019. Ignition delay time and H2O measurements during methanol oxidation behind reflected shock waves. Combust. Flame, 203:143–156, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.01.036.

V. M. Sauer§ and I. Schoegl, 2019. Numerical assessment of uncertainty and dynamic range expansion of multispectral image-based pyrometry. Measurement, 145:820 – 832, doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2019.04.089.

L. T. Pinzón, O. Mathieu, C. R. Mulvihill, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen, 2018. Ethanol pyrolysis kinetics using H2O time history measurements behind reflected shock waves. Proc. Combust. Inst., 37:239–247, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.088.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl, 2017. Non-catalytic conversion of glycerol to syngas at intermediate temperatures: Numerical methods with detailed chemistry. Fuel, 195:190–200, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.065.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl, 2017. Numerical analysis of flame instabilities in narrow channels: Laminar premixed methane/air combustion. Int. J. Spray Combust. Dynamics, doi:10.1177/1756827717706009.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl, 2015. Dominant chemical source and reaction modes in lean premixed H2/air flames. Proc. Combust. Inst., 35:787–794, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.048.

I. Schoegl, 2014. Natural parameterizations of flame structures and heat release in lean premixed CH4/air combustion. Combust. Flame, 161:1735–1743, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.12.021.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl, 2014. Tomographic imaging of flames: Assessment of reconstruction error based on simulated results. J. Propulsion and Power, 30:3500–359, doi:10.2514/1.B34831.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl, 2014. Tomographic laser absorption spectroscopy using Tikhonov regularization. Applied Optics, 53:8095–8103, doi:10.1364/AO.53.008095.

K. Sharmin† and I. Schoegl, 2014. Optimization of binder removal for thermoplastic co-extrusion of ceramic structures. Ceramics Int., 40:3939–3946, doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.08.039.

K. Sharmin† and I. Schoegl, 2014. Two-step debinding and co-extrusion of ceramic-filled PEBA and EVA blends. Ceramics Int., 40:14871–14879, doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.06.082.

E. L. Belmont, I. Schoegl, and J. L. Ellzey, 2013. Experimental and analytical investigation of lean premixed methane/air combustion in a mesoscale counter-flow reactor. Proc. Combust. Inst., 34:3361–3367, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.087.

J. Gibson†, M. Ayoobi†, and I. Schoegl, 2013. Behavior of preheated premixed flames at rich conditions. Proc. Combust. Inst., 34:997–1005, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.141.

M. Sharma† and I. Schoegl, 2013. A comparative assessment of homogeneous propane reforming at intermediate temperatures. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 38:13272–13281, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.07.069.

I. Schoegl, 2012. Radiation effects on flame stabilization on flat flame burners. Combust. Flame, 159:2817–2828, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2012.05.010.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey, 2010. Numerical investigation of ultra-rich combustion in heat exchangers. 182:1413–1428, doi:10.1080/00102202.2010.481645.

I. Schoegl, S. R. Newcomb, and J. L. Ellzey, 2009. Ultra-rich combustion in parallel channels to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from propane. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34:5152–5163, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.03.036.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey, 2009. A mesoscale fuel reformer to produce syngas in portable power systems. Proc. Combust. Inst., 32:3223–3230, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2008.06.079.

M. J. Dixon, I. Schoegl, C. B. Hull, and J. L. Ellzey, 2008. Experimental and numerical conversion of liquid heptane to syngas through combustion in porous media. Combust. Flame, 154:217–231, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.02.004.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey, 2007. Superadiabatic combustion in conducting tubes and heat exchangers of finite length. Combust. Flame, 151:142–159, doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.01.009.

Conference Presentations & Proceedings

V. M. Sauer, F. J. Pelayo, E. Chukwuemeka†, and I. Schoegl. Digital camera simulations of thin filaments in non-premixed laminar methane-air coflow flames. In Proc. SPIE 12215, Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions XII, San Diego/CA, 2022. doi:10.1117/12.2633662.

D. A. Akinpelu† and I. Schoegl. Effect of pressure and dilution level on the flame dynamics of CH4/Air/N2 mixture in a heated microchannel. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

D. A. Akinpelu† and I. Schoegl. Towards a high-pressure microchannel reactor for fuel characterization. In ASME 2021 Power Conference, number POWER2021-64910, online, 2021. doi:10.1115/POWER2021-64910.

Y. M. Almarzooq, I. Schoegl, and E .L. Petersen. Laminar flame speed measurements of a gasoline surrogate and its mixtures with ethanol. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

E. Chukwuemeka† and I. Schoegl. Numerical simulation of the effect of magnetic fields on soot formation in laminar non-premixed flames. In ASME 2021 Power Conference, number POWER2021- 64859, online, 2021. doi:10.1115/POWER2021-64859.

E. Chukwuemeka†, T. Charalampopoulos, and I. Schoegl. Numerical simulation of the effect of magnetic fields on CO and soot formation. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

R. Frazee and I. Schoegl. Comparison of automatic calibration algorithms for digital focusing color Schlieren systems. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

N. Roohani†, V. M. Sauer§, and I. Schoegl. Classification of microchannel flame regimes based on convolutional neural networks. In ASME 2021 Power Conference, number POWER2021-64437, online, 2021. doi:10.1115/POWER2021-64437.

N. Roohani†, V. M. Sauer§, and I. Schoegl. Combustion characteristics of prfs within a pressurized externally heated micro-channel. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

V. M. Sauer§, F. Pelayo, E. Chukwuemeka†, and I. Schoegl. Digital camera simulations of thin filaments in non-premixed coflow flames. In 12th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, online, 2021.

D. A. Akinpelu† and I. Schoegl. Numerical investigation of ignition characteristics of selected fuel blends in a micro reactor. In 11th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Pasadena/CA, 2019.

T. M. Atherley, L. T. Pinzón, O. Mathieu, C. R. Mulvihill, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen. Kinetics study of ethanol oxidation behind reflected shock waves: Ignition delay times, H2O measurements, and detailed kinetics model comparisons. In 11th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Pasadena/CA, 2019.

O. Mathieu, L. T. Pinzón, T. M. Atherley, I. Schoegl, and E. L. Petersen. High-temperature non-homogeneous ignition of small alcohols behind reflected shock waves. In 27th Int. Colloq. Dyn. Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing/CN, 2019.

N. Roohani†, V. M. Sauer§, and I. Schoegl. Effects of dilution and pressure on combustion within externally heated microchannels. In 11th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Pasadena/CA, 2019.

V. M. Sauer§ and I. Schoegl. Quantifying the influence of camera sensor and optics on multispectral image-based thin filament pyrometry. In 11th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Pasadena/CA, 2019.

N. Roohani†, V. Naralasetti†, P. Sharma†, V. M. Sauer§, and I. Schoegl. Investigation of combustion characteristics of primary reference fuels in heated microchannels. In WSSCI Spring Meeting, Bend/OR, 2018.

V. M. Sauer§, N. Roohani†, and I. Schoegl. Toward calibration-free multi-band multi-wavelength pyrometry using low dynamic range CMOS cameras for combustion diagnostics. In WSSCI Spring Meeting, Bend/OR, 2018.

I. Schoegl, P. Sharma†, and M. J. McNenly. Micro-combustion of gaseous fuels in the FREI regime. In 10th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, College Park/MD, 2017.

S. Lapointe, I. Schoegl, C. Druzgalski, and M. McNenly. Simulations of a micro-liter fuel ignition tester. In 10th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, College Park/MD, 2017.

D. S. Park, J. Upadhyay, K. Sharmin†, J. Robbins†, I. Schoegl, K. E. Thompson, and D. E. Nikitopoulos. Fabrication for and flow visualization in 2.5D rock-based ceramic micromodels. In ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, number IMECE2017-71639, Tampa/FL, 2017. doi:10.1115/IMECE2017-71639.

P. Sharma†, M. Ayoobi†, M. J. McNenly, and I. Schoegl. Impact of pressure on simulated FREI combustion. In WSSCI Fall Meeting, Laramie/WY, 2017.

J. Upadhyay, D. S. Park, K. Sharmin†, I. Schoegl, K. E. Thompson, and D. E. Nikitopoulos. Flow visualization and 3D measurement of nano-particle transport in rock-based 2.5D ceramic micro-models. In ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, number IMECE2017-71698, Tampa/FL, 2017. doi:10.1115/IMECE2017-71698.

I. Schoegl, A. J. Pisano‡, and G. Sedky‡. Development of a compact focusing color schlieren technique. In AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego/CA, 2016. doi:10.2514/6.2016-1765.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl. Chemical explosive mode analysis of asymmetric flames in narrow channels. In CSSCI Spring Meeting, Tulsa/OK, 2014.

I. Schoegl and M. Ayoobi†. Effects of preheating and dilution on lean premixed methane/air flame characteristics. In WSSCI Spring Meeting, Pasadena/CA, 2014.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl. Asymmetric methane/air flames in narrow channels. In WSSCI Fall Meeting, Fort Collins/CO, 2013.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl. Behavior of preheated premixed flames at lean conditions. In 8th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Park City/UT, 2013.

M. Ayoobi† and I. Schoegl. Progress-variable-free state-space parameterizations for premixed combustion. In 4th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows (IWMRRF), San Francisco/CA, 2013.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl. Simulation of 2D tomographic TDLAS using algebraic reconstruction and Tikhonov regularization. In 8th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Park City/UT, 2013.

K. Sharmin† and I. Schoegl. Processing and analysis of ceramic mesoscale combustors fabricated by co-extrusion. In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, number IMECE2013-64866, San Diego/CA, 2013. doi:10.1115/IMECE2013-64866.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl. Limited view tomography of combustion zones using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy – simulation of an algebraic reconstruction technique. In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, number IMECE2012-89507, Houston/TX, 2012. doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-89507.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl. Tomographic imaging of combustion zones: Impact of measurement noise and reconstruction error. In 43rd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, number AIAA 2012-3301, New Orleans/LA, 2012. doi:10.2514/6.2012-3301.

I. Schoegl. Radiation effects on flame stabilization in porous plug burners. In 7th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Atlanta/GA, 2011.

J. Gibson† and I. Schoegl. A numerical evaluation of preheated flat flames at ultra-lean conditions. In WSSCI Fall Meeting, Riverside/CA, 2011.

A. Guha† and I. Schoegl. Simulation based tomographic reconstruction of combustion zones using direct absorption and WMS-2f spectroscopy. In WSSCI Fall Meeting, Riverside/CA, 2011.

M. Sharma†, M. Lousteau‡, and I. Schoegl. An experimental study of small-sized conical spouted beds. In ASME Early Career Technical Journal, volume 10, Atlanta/GA, 2011.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey. Numerical investigation of combustion in heat exchangers. In 6th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, Ann Arbor/MI, 2009.

J. L. Ellzey, I. Schoegl, and C. M. Smith. Non-catalytic, partial oxidation for syngas production. In AIChE 2009 Spring National Meeting, Tampa/FL, 2009.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey. A mesoscale fuel reformer to produce syngas in portable power systems. In WSSCI Spring Meeting, Los Angeles/CA, 2008.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey. Superadiabatic combustion in parallel channels. In 5th US Nat. Combustion Meeting, San Diego/CA, 2007.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey. Ultra-rich combustion in parallel channels to produce syngas from methane. In WSSCI Fall Meeting, Livermore/CA, 2007.

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey. Superadiabatic combustion in counter-flow burners. In WSSCI Spring Meeting, Boise/ID, 2006.

I. Schoegl, D. Zhou, and J. L. Ellzey. Stabilization of the combustion process in porous burners. In 17th ONR Propulsion Meeting, Boston/MA, 2004.


I. Schoegl, 2020. System and method for focusing color schlieren diagnostics. (US patent 10866186).

I. Schoegl and J. L. Ellzey, 2009. System and method for superadiabatic counterflow reactor. (US patent App. 12/282,020).

C. Roduner and I. Schoegl, 2006. Method of regulating or controlling a cyclically operating internal combustion engine. (US patent 7020554 B2).


D. G. Goodwin, H. K. Moffat, I. Schoegl, R. L. Speth, and B. W. Weber. Cantera: An object-oriented software toolkit for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes (3.0.0). doi:10.5281/zenodo.8137090, August 2023.

D. G. Goodwin, H. K. Moffat, I. Schoegl, R. L. Speth, and B. W. Weber. Cantera: An object-oriented software toolkit for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes (2.6.0). doi:10.5281/zenodo.6387882, May 2022.


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