
Louisiana State University is one of a select group of universities in the United States to establish an Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) program. The IMSD program has been supported since 2004 by the National Institutes of Health.

The mission of the IMSD Program at LSU is to provide a diverse group of graduate and undergraduate students in the biomedical or behavioral sciences, research training, academic development, and career opportunities, while enhancing diversity in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.

Our vision is to consistently produce graduates that rank among the most highly talented, motivated and productive research scientists in the nation. The LSU IMSD Scholars pursue successful research careers and leadership positions, and are among the most sought-after candidates nationwide for entrance into Ph.D. or post-Ph.D. programs.


Dr. Vicente recieving Presidental Award for excellence in science, math, and engineering mentoring.LSU IMSD Director, Dr. Graça Vicente, receives the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM)


LSU IMSD Scholards group photo current and pastLSU IMSD Scholars, current and past, attending the 2018 ABRCMS conference in Indianapolis, Indiana

Upcoming Events 

upcoming event banner for LSU discovery day 2019 - Undergraduate research and creativity symposium