Note: To download or request full text copies, please visit my ResearchGate profile.
Cairney, B. E., West, S. H., Haebig, E., Cox, C. R., & Lucas, H. D. (2023). Interpretations of meaningful and ambiguous hand gestures in autistic and non-autistic adults: A norming study. Behavior Research Methods, 1-14.
Lucas, H. D., Daugherty, A. M., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Cohen, N. J. (2023). Dynamic interactions between memory and viewing behaviors: Insights from dyadic modeling of eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(6), 786.
Saltzmann, S. M., Moen, K. C., Eich, B., Chaisson, F. M., Fan, G., Goldstein, R. R., Beck, M. R., & Lucas, H. D. (2023). Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for the flexible recruitment of feature-and object-based processing in visual working memory comparison. Biological Psychology, 178, 108528. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2023.108528
Lucas, H.D., Sanchez, D., Creery, J.D., Hu, X., & Paller, K.A. (2021). Changing hearts and minds to grow compassion: Syndrome C. In I. Fried, A. Berthoz, & G. Mirdal (Eds.), The Brains that Pull the Triggers: Syndrome E (pp. 435-463). New York: Odile Jacob Publishers.
Le, T.P. Lucas, H.D., Schwartz, E.K., Mitchell, K.R., & Cohen, A.S. (2020). Frontal alpha asymmetry in schizotypy: Electrophysiological evidence for motivational dysfunction. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 25(5), 371-386.
Lucas, H.D., Gupta, R.S., Hubbard, R.J., & Federmeier, K.D. (2019). Adult age differences in the use of conceptual combination as an associative encoding strategy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 339.
Lucas, H.D., Creery, J.D., Hu, X., & Paller, K.A. (2019). Grappling with implicit social bias: A perspective from memory research. Neuroscience, 406, 684-697.
Lucas, H.D., Duff, M.C., & Cohen, N.J. (2019). The hippocampus promotes effective saccadic information gathering in humans. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(2), 186-201.
Horecka, K.M., Dulas, M. R., Schwarb, H., Lucas, H.D., Duff, M.C., & Cohen, N.J. (2018). Reconstructing relational information. Hippocampus, 28(2), 164–177.
Rubin, R.D., Schwarb, H., Lucas, H.D., Dulas, M.R., & Cohen, N J. (2017). Dynamic hippocampal and prefrontal contributions to memory processes and representations blur the boundaries of traditional cognitive domains. Brain Sciences, 7(7), 82.
Lucas, H.D., Hubbard, R.J., & Federmeier, K.D. (2017). Flexible conceptual combination: Electrophysiological correlates and consequences for associative memory. Psychophysiology, 54(6), 833-847.
Lucas, H.D., Monti, J.M., McAuley, E., Watson, P.D., Kramer, A.F., & Cohen, N.J. (2016). Relational memory and self-efficacy measures reveal distinct profiles of subjective memory concerns in older adults. Neuropsychology, 30(5), 568-578.
Xiao, X., Lucas, H. D., Paller, K. A., Ding, J. H., & Guo, C. Y. (2014). Retrieval Intention Modulates the Effects of Directed Forgetting Instructions on Recollection. PloS One, 9(8), e104701.
Lucas, H.D., & Paller, K.A. (2013). Manipulating letter fluency for words alters electrophysiological correlates of recognition memory. NeuroImage, 83, 849-861.
Paller, K.A., Lucas, H.D., & Voss, J.L. (2012). Assuming too much from ‘familiar’ brain potentials. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(6), 313-315.
Lucas, H.D., Taylor, J.R., Henson, R.N. & Paller, K.A. (2012). Many roads lead to recognition: Electrophysiological correlates of familiarity derived from short-term masked repetition priming. Neuropsychologia, 50(13), 3041-3052.
Voss, J.L., Lucas, H.D., & Paller, K.A. (2012). More than a feeling: Pervasive influences
of memory without awareness of retrieval. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(3-4), 193-207.
*** with nine commentaries and our reply to the commentaries:
Lucas, H.D., Paller, K.A., & Voss, J.L. (2012). On the pervasive influences of implicit
memory. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(3-4), 219-226.
Lucas, H.D., Chiao, J.Y. & Paller, K.A. (2011). Why some faces won’t be remembered: Brain potentials illuminate successful versus unsuccessful encoding for same-race and other-race faces. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00020.
Lucas, H.D., Voss, J.L., & Paller, K.A. (2010). Familiarity or conceptual priming: Good question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosen. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4), 615-617.
Voss, J.L., Lucas, H.D., & Paller, K.A. (2010). Conceptual priming and familiarity: Two different expressions of memory during recognition testing with distinct neurophysiological correlates. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(10), 2638-2651.