
Annual Dues of the LSU Chapter of AAUP

  • Full-Time Faculty: $10.
  • Entrant: $5. Nontenured faculty, and either new to the AAUP or new to a full-time appointment; for the first four years of membership.
  • Joint: $5. Person whose spouse or partner is a full-time member. (One Academe subscription).
  • Retired: $5.
  • Part-Time: $2.50. Faculty paid on a per-course or percentage basis.
  • Graduate Student: $2.50. Enrolled at an accredited institution within the last five years and not eligible for another active membership. category.
  • Associate: $5. A non-voting membership for all other supporters, including administrators and the public. Those wishing to join, or to renew their membership in, the LSU Chapter should send a check, payable to “AAUP LSU Chapter,” to our treasurer, who, currently, is:
    Prof. Kent Mathewson (kentm@lsu.edu; 225-578-6073)
    Department of Geology & Anthropology
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge LA 70803
  • LSU faculty who are members of the national or state AAUP are not automatically members of the LSU Chapter; chapter dues must be paid separately from dues to national and state. Payment of chapter dues covers membership in the chapter for 12 months from the date of payment.

    Chapter dues cannot be paid at the national AAUP website (www.aaup.org); that website accepts dues only for national and state.

    Thank you for supporting the LSU Chapter.