Lab Facilities - Material/Composite Testing

Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analysis

Key Technology:
Laser Light Diffraction, & Dynamic Light Scattering

MicroTrac S3500 ZetaTrac
MicroTrac S3500 ZetaTrac


Malvern Panalytical ZetaSizer Ultra  Microtrack S3500
Multi-Angle Dynamic Light Scattering (MADLS) for particle and molecular size distribution analysis/ Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) for particle and molecule size from below 1 nm to 10 µm /Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS) - the zeta potential 

Malvern Panalytical ZetaSizer Ultra
Tri–laser, red, multi-detector, multi-angle optical system; Algorithms that utilize Mie compensation and Modified Mie calculations for non-spherical particles; Measurement capability from 0.02 to 2,800 µm; Wet and dry
 Microtrack S3500