Refereed Publications
Alkan, O., Q. V. Cao, and R. Özçelik. 2024. Characterizing diameter distribution of Pinus nigra stands in Türkiye with a Weibull distribution. Can. J. For. Res. 54:xxx-xxx.
Sadeghi, P.; Q. V.Cao, R. Abouzeid, M. Shayan, M. Koo, Q. Wu. 2024. Experimental and statistical investigations for tensile properties of hemp fibers. Fibers 12: 94.
Chen, H., Q. V. Cao, Y. Jiang, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, X. Zhang. 2024. Modeling stand- and tree-level growth of Chinese fir plantations. Can. J. For. Res. 54:686–697.
Qu, Y., Y. Jiang, H. Chang, Y. Hu, Q. V. Cao, A. Luo, J. Zhang, and X. Zhang. 2024. Modeling tree leaf area of Chinese fir plantations. Can. J. For. Res. 54:398-408.
Cao, Q. V. 2024. An integrated system approach to model tree and stand growth. P. 6-9 in Proc. of the South. Silvic. Res. Conf. USDA For. Serv. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. GTR-274.
Cao, Q. V. 2023. A new approach to project stand tables. Can. J. For. Res. 53:714-720.
Ren, S, X. Qu, X. Zhang, L. Dong, Y. Yang, D. Lee, Q. V. Cao, Q. Wu, and T. Lei. 2023. Valorization of biomass furfural residue: Nitrogen-doped porous carbon towards electrocatalytic reaction. Ind. Crops & Prod. 193-116251.
Chen, H., Q. V. Cao, Y. Jiang, J. Zhang, and X. Zhang. 2023. A quantile regression approach to model stand survival in Chinese fir plantations. Can. J. For. Res. 53:178-187.
Özçelik, R., Q. V. Cao, E. Kurnaz, and B. Koparan. 2022. Modeling diameter distributions of mixed-oak stands in northwestern Turkey. CERNE 28 e-102991.
Cao, Q. V. 2022. Predicting future diameter distributions given current stand attributes. Can. J. For. Res. 52:561-567.
Cao, Q. V. 2022. Deriving a tree growth model from any existing stand growth model. Can. J. For. Res. 52:169-174.
Yang, S., Q. V. Cao, D. T. Shoch, and T. Johnson. 2022. Characterizing stand and biomass tables from diameter distribution models: A case study for mixed-hardwood forests in eastern Tennessee, USA. For. Sci. 68:8-16.
Zhang, X., Q.V. Cao, Y. Qu, and J. Zhang. 2022. Deriving tree growth models from stand models based on the self-thinning rule of Chinese fir plantations. iForest 15:1-7.
Cao, Q. V. 2021. A unified system for tree- and stand-level predictions. For. Ecol. Mgt. 480:118713.
M. Teimouri, M., and Q. V. Cao. 2020. Statistical inference for Birnbaum-Saunders and Weibull distributions fitted to grouped and ungrouped data. Env. Resources Res. 8:97-108.
Zhang X., L. Lu, Q. V. Cao, H. Wang, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2020. Projecting stand survival and basal area based on a self-thinning model for Chinese fir plantations. For. Sci. 66:361-370.
Özçelik, R., Q. V. Cao, and H. Yavuz. 2019. Calibrating a taper model for oriental spruce in Turkey. CERNE 25:473-481.
Cao, Q. V. 2019. A method to derive a tree survival model from any existing stand survival model. Can. J. For. Res. 49:1598-1603.
Özçelik, R., Q. V. Cao, G. Trincado, E. Gómez-García, F. Crecente-Campo, and Ü. Eler. 2019. Modelling dominant height growth of cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich) stands in Turkey. For. Sci. 65:725-733.
Zhang X., L. Lu, Q. V. Cao, L. Lu, H. Wang, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2019. Use of modified Reineke’s stand density index in predicting growth and survival of Chinese fir plantations. For. Sci. 65:776-783.
Sun, S., Q. V. Cao, and T. Cao. 2019. Characterizing diameter distributions for uneven-aged pine-oak mixed forests in China. Forests 10:596.
Sun, S., Q. V. Cao, and T. Cao. 2019. Evaluation of distance-independent competition indices in predicting tree survival and diameter growth. Can. J. For. Res. 49: 440-446.
Zhang X., L. Lu, Q. V. Cao, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2018. Climate-sensitive self-thinning trajectories of Chinese fir plantations in south China. Can. J. For. Res. 48:1388-1397.
Özçelik, R., Q. V. Cao, G. Trincado, and N. Gocer. 2018. Predicting tree height from tree diameter and dominant height using mixed-effects and quantile regression models for two species in Turkey. For. Ecol. Mgt. 419-420:240-248.
Zhang X., Q. V. Cao, C. Xiang, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2017. Modeling tree mortality in relation to climate, initial planting density, and competition in Chinese fir plantations using a Bayesian logistic multilevel method. Can. J. For. Res. 47:1278-1285.
Cao, Q. V. 2017. An integrated system for modeling tree and stand survival. Can. J. For. Res. 47:1405-1409.
Özçelik, R. and Q. V. Cao. 2017. Evaluation of fitting and adjustment methods for taper and volume prediction of black pine in Turkey. For. Sci. 63:349-355.
Cao, Q. V. 2017. Evaluation of methods for modeling individual tree survival. For. Sci. 63:356-361.
Zhang X., Q. V. Cao, C. Xiang, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2017. Predicting total and component biomass of Chinese fir using a forecast combination method. iForest 10: 687-691.
Zhang, X., Q. V. Cao, A. Duan, and J. Zhang. 2016. Self-thinning trajectories of Chinese fir plantations in southern China. For. Sci. 62:594-599.
Cao, Q. V., and J. Wang. 2015. Evaluation of methods for calibrating a tree taper equation. For. Sci. 61:213-219.
Hevia, A., Q. V. Cao, J. G. Álvarez-González, A. D. Ruiz-González, K. von Gadow. 2015. Compatibility of whole-stand and individual-tree models using composite estimators and disaggregation. For. Ecol. Mgt. 348:46-56.
Cao, Q. V. 2014. Linking individual-tree and whole-stand models for forest growth and yield prediction. For. Ecosys. 1:18.
Zhang, X., A. Duan, L. Dong, Q. V. Cao, and J. Zhang. 2014. The application of Bayesian model averaging in compatibility of stand basal area for even-aged plantations in southern China. For. Sci. 60:645-651.
Cao, Q. V., and D. W. Coble. 2014. Deriving a diameter distribution from stand table data. For. Sci. 60:628-635.
Bohora, S. B., and Q. V. Cao,. 2014. Prediction of tree diameter growth using quantile regression and mixed-effects models. For. Ecol. Mgt. 319:62-66.
Dean, T. J., M. Jerez, and Q. V. Cao. 2013. A simple stand growth model based on canopy dynamics and biomechanics. For. Sci. 59:335-344.
Poudel, K., and Q. V. Cao. 2013. Evaluation of methods to predict Weibull parameters for characterizing diameter distributions. For. Sci. 59:243-252.
Coble, D. W., Q. V. Cao, and L. Jordan. 2012. An annual tree survival and diameter growth model for loblolly and slash pine plantations in east Texas. South. J. Appl. For. 36:79-84.
Zhang, X., Y. Lei, Q. V. Cao, X. Chen, and X. Liu. 2011. Improving tree survival prediction with forecast combination and disaggregation. Can. J. For. Res. 41:1928-1935.
Cao, Q. V., and J. Wang. 2011. Calibrating fixed- and mixed-effects taper equations. For. Ecol. Mgt. 262:671-673.
Allen II, M. G., D. W. Coble, Q. V. Cao, J. Yeiser, and I. Hung. 2011. A modified stand table projection growth model for unmanaged loblolly and slash pine plantations in east Texas. South. J. Appl. For. 35:115-120.
Cao, Q. V., and T. J. Dean. 2011. Modeling crown structure from LiDAR data with statistical distributions. For. Sci. 57:359-364.
Zhang, X., Y. Lei, and Q. V. Cao. 2010. Compatibility of stand basal area predictions based on forecast combination. For. Sci. 56:552-557.
Cao, Q. V., F. Yao, and Q. Wu. 2010. Effects of sample size on characterization of wood-strand length distribution. Wood and Fiber Sci. 42:46-50.
Cao, Q. V. 2009. Calibrating a segmented taper equation with two diameter measurements. South. J. Appl. For. 33:58-61.
Strub, M. R., C. J. Cieszewski, and Q. V. Cao. 2009. 2007 Southern Mensurationists Conference. South. J. Appl. For. 33:52.
Dean, T. J., Q. V. Cao, S. D. Roberts, D. L. Evans. 2009. Modeling crown structure from airborne laser scanner data. For. Ecol. Mgt. 257:126-133.
Cao, Q. V., P. Tian,, and Q. Wu. 2009. Modeling diameter distributions of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) nanoparticles. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 111:2584.2589.
Cao, Q. V., and M. R. Strub. 2008. Simultaneous estimation of parameters of an annual tree survival and diameter growth model. For. Sci. 54:617-624.
Cao, Q. V., and T. J. Dean. 2008. Using segmented regression to model the density-size relationship in direct-seeded slash pine stand. For. Ecol. Mgt. 255:948-952.
Cao, Q. V., and Q. Wu. 2007. Characterizing wood fiber and particle length with a mixture distribution and a segmented distribution. Holzforschung 61:124-130.
Qin, J., Q. V. Cao, and D. C. Blouin. 2007. Projection of a diameter distribution through time. Can. J. For. Res. 37:188-194.
Lu, J. Z., C. J. Monlezun, Q. Wu, and Q. V. Cao. 2007. Fitting Weibull and lognormal distributions to wood fiber length. Wood and Fiber Sci. 39:82-94.
Cao, Q. V. 2007. Incorporating whole-stand and individual-tree models in a stand-table projection system. For. Sci. 53:45-49.
Cao, Q. V. 2006. Predictions of individual-tree and whole-stand attributes for loblolly pine plantations. For. Ecol. Mgt. 236:342-347.
Nord-Larsen, T., and Q. V. Cao. 2006. A diameter distribution model for even-aged beech in Denmark. For. Ecol. Mgt. 231:218-225.
Qin, J., and Q. V. Cao. 2006. Using disaggregation to link individual-tree and whole-stand growth models. Can. J. For. Res. 36:953-960.
Jerez, M., T. J. Dean, Q. V. Cao, and S. D. Roberts. 2005. Describing leaf area distribution in loblolly pine plantations with the Johnson’s SB function. For. Sci. 51:93-101.
Cao, Q. V. 2004. Predicting parameters of a Weibull function for modeling diameter distribution. For. Sci. 50:682-685.
Dean, T. J., and Q. V. Cao. 2003. Inherent correlations between stand biomass variables calculated from tree measurements. For. Sci. 49:279-284.
Ochi, N., and Q. V. Cao. 2003. A comparison of compatible and annual growth models. For. Sci. 49:285-290.
Cao, Q. V., S. Li, and M. E. McDill. 2002. Developing a system of annual tree growth equations for the loblolly pine-shortleaf pine type in Louisiana. Can. J. For. Res. 32:2051-2059.
Cao, Q. V., T. J. Dean, and V. C. Baldwin, Jr. 2000. Modeling the size-density relationship in direct-seeded slash pine stands. For. Sci. 46:317-321.
Cao, Q. V. 2000. Prediction of annual diameter growth and survival for individual trees from periodic measurements. For. Sci. 46:127-131.
Cao, Q. V., and V. C. Baldwin, Jr. 1999. A new algorithm for stand table projection models. For. Sci. 45:506-511.
Shi, K., and Q. V. Cao. 1997. Leaf area growth and foliage efficiency of loblolly pine plantations. For. Ecol. Mgt. 95:109-115.
Cao, Q. V., V. C. Baldwin, Jr., and R. E. Lohrey. 1997. Site index curves for direct-seeded loblolly and longleaf pines in Louisiana. South. J. Appl. For. 21:134-138.
Cao, Q. V. 1997. A method to distribute mortality in diameter distribution models. For. Sci. 43:435-442.
Cao, Q. V. 1994. A tree survival equation and diameter growth model for loblolly pine based on the self-thinning rule. J. Appl. Ecology 31:693-698.
Cao, Q. V. 1993. Estimating coefficients of base-age invariant site index equations. Can. J. For. Res. 23:2343-2347.
Cao, Q. V., and K. M. Durand. 1991. A growth and yield model for improved eastern cottonwood plantations in the lower Mississippi Delta. South. J. Appl. For. 15:213-216.
Cao, Q. V., and K. M. Durand. 1991. Site index curves for eastern cottonwood plantations in the lower Mississippi Delta. South. J. Appl. For. 15:28-30.
Hawkins, K. E., J. E. Hotvedt, Q. V. Cao, and B. D. Jackson. 1988. Using the Weibull distribution to model harvesting machine productivity. For. Prod. J. 38:59-65.
Parresol, B. R., J. E. Hotvedt, and Q. V. Cao. 1987. A volume and taper prediction system for bald cypress. Can. J. For. Res. 17:250-259.
Valenti, M. A., and Q. V. Cao. 1986. Use of crown ratio to improve loblolly pine taper equations. Can. J. For. Res. 16:1141-1145.
Cao, Q. V., and W. D. Pepper. 1986. Predicting inside bark diameter for shortleaf, loblolly, and longleaf pines. South. J. Appl. For. 10:220-224.
Valenti, M. A., and Q. V. Cao. 1986. A comparison of the effects of one-step and two-step pruning on loblolly pine stem form. South. J. Appl. For. 10:251-253.
Brewer, J. A., P. Y. Burns, and Q. V. Cao. 1985. Short-term projection accuracy of five asymptotic height-age curves for loblolly pine. For. Sci. 31:414-418.
Hotvedt, J. E., Q. V. Cao, and B. R. Parresol. 1985. Tree-volume and stem-profile functions for bald cypress. South. J. Appl. For. 9:227-232.
Cao, Q. V., and H. E. Burkhart. 1984. A segmented distribution approach for modeling diameter frequency data. For. Sci. 30:129-137.
Cao, Q. V., H. E. Burkhart, and T. A. Max. 1980. Evaluation of two methods for cubic-volume prediction of loblolly pine to any merchantable limit. For. Sci. 26:71-80.
Cao, Q. V., and H. E. Burkhart. 1980. Cubic-foot volume of loblolly pine to any height limit. South. J. Appl. For. 4:166-168.