Psycholinguistics and ELectrophysiology In Cognitive Aging and Neural damage


eeg signal
Welcome to the Psycholinguistics and ELectrophysiology In Cognitive Aging and Neural damage (PELICAN) lab at Louisiana State University! In the PELICAN lab, we study how language processing changes across the adult lifespan, and the ways in which stroke and neurodegenerative conditions affect language processing. We use experimental methods including behavioral tasks, including online, as well as elctroencephalography (EEG) and eye-tracking.

Explore the Our Research page to find out more about ongoing projects in the lab. Our current lab members are listed under Our Team, and recent lab publications under Publications.

Looking for ways to participate or contribute? Visit the Get Involved page.

Want to find out more about the issues we research? The Resources page has what you need.

We are currently looking for motivated students to join our team! Contact Dr Willem van Boxtel ( for more information.