Current Participants

Kehui (Kevin) Xu
Director, Coastal Studies Institute
Professor, Dept. of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
James P. Morgan Distinguished Professor
ECE (Energy, Coast and Environment Building) 2165
Phone: 225-578-0389

Past Participants

Kelli Moran
Ph.D. Student
Research: Sediment Transport and Geomorphological Evolution in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Robert Bales
(now at USGS)
M.S. Student
Research: Sediment dynamics; Water quality; Dredge pit studies

Fangjian Xu
Visiting Professor from China University Of Petroleum

Yanping Wang
Visiting Student from Ocean University of China

Yong Shi
Visiting Student from Nanjing University

Guandong Li
(Now at Tulane Univeristy)
M.S. Student
Research: Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics in a Receiving Basin for Sediment Diversion: a Case Study in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, USA

Haoran Liu
Ph.D. Student
Research: Sediment Transport and Geomorphological Evolution in the
Transgressive Ship Shoal, Louisiana: Insights from Geophysical
Observation, Modeling, and Machine Learning Studies

Rekea Williams
Undergraduate Student

Brooke Burch
Undergraduate Student

Qihui Wu
Visiting Ph.D. Student

Jiaze Wang
(now Assistant Professor of University of Maine)
Ph.D. Student
Research: Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on Sediment Dynamics and Preservation in Contrasting Mississippi Deltaic Coastal Environments

Patrick Robichaux
(now at U.S. Marine Corps)
M.S. Student
Research: How dredge pits change over time: a look at their geomorphologic evolution and infilling processes

Hengyi Jiang
Visiting Scholar

Brandon Champagne
Undergraduate Student

Jeffrey Obelcz
(now Naval Research Lab at Stennis Space Center)
Ph.D. Student
Research: Sediment Transport and Slope Stability in The Northern Gulf of Mexico

(now at
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
M.S. Student
Research: Interactions among Hydrology, Sediment and Vegetation in Accreting Wax Lake Delta: Physical and Biogeochemical Implications to Coastal Louisiana Restoration

Xiaoyu Sha
M.S. Student
Research: Characterization and Modeling of Sediment Settling, Consolidation, and Suspension to Optimize the Retention Rate of Sediment Diversions for Coastal Restoration

Haifei Yang
(now at East China Normal University)
Visiting Ph.D. Student
Research: Sediment transport; Coastal processes

Rangley Mickey
(now at USGS in St. Petersburg)
M.S. Student
Research: Sediment impact on the formation of hypoxic waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a synthesis of sediment texture, composition, erodibility and transport

Edward Lo
(now at University of Kentucky)
Undergraduate student
Research: Consolidation and suspension properties of mud from Lake Lery and their relevance to wetland restoration of Louisiana