Undergraduate Students

The Water Quality Extension Lab offers undergraduate students an experiential learning opportunity by participating in projects from start to finish. Students will have the opportunity to visit sites through funded programs to see immediate community issues that can be addressed with targeted research. Louisiana communities provide a pathway for research in the lab leading to extension and journal publications. Students will learn about analytical instrumentation used for water quality analysis and participate in data interpretation. Undergraduate positions in the lab are dependent on funding, but if you are interested in joining the lab email Dr. Michael Hayes (mhayes@agcenter.lsu.edu) with the Subject Line “Water Quality Undergraduate Research Opportunity for Academic semester (Fall or Spring) Year ”. An example subject line is Water Quality Undergraduate Research Opportunity for Spring 2025. In your email, please provide the following information:

  1. Current year (sophomore, junior, seniors)
  2. Anticipated graduation date
  3. Research topics you are interested
  4. Specific lab projects you are interested in working on
  5. Future career goals (industry, graduate school, etc.)

Currently, there are no available undergraduate research positions with the lab.

Additional undergraduate opportunities can be found at the links below: