
Associate Editor, Specialty Editor, and Editorial Board Member

(1) Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (since October 2009).

(2) International Editorial Board Member for “International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering” (since January 2009).

(3) Editorial Advisory Board Member for Bentham Open Access Journal “Recent Patents on Corrosion Science” (since March 2009).

(4) International Editorial Advisory Board Member for “Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (natural science edition)” (since February 2010).

(5) Editorial Board Member for Elsevier journal “Composites Part B: Engineering” (June 2008 to February 2021).

(6) Editorial Board Member for MPDI Journal “Biomimetics” (Since November 2014).

(7) Editorial Board Member for Nature’s journal “Scientific Reports” (Since February 2017).

(8) Associate Editor for Elsevier’s journal “Cleaner Materials” (Since March 2021).

(9) Specialty Editor of “Solid and Structural Mechanics” for the journal of “Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering” (Since November 2020).

(10) Specialty Associate Editor for “Smart Materials” for the journal of “Frontiers in Materials” (Since June 2022).

Guest Editor

(1) Special issue “Blast/impact on engineered (nano)composite materials” published in Elsevier journal of Composites Part B: Engineering (Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 413-590, September 2009).

(2) Special issue “Heavy Duty Pavement and Bridge Deck Pavement” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 21, No. 7, (December 2012).

(3) Special issue “Applications of Engineering Composites: Materials, Structures, and Interfaces” Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 7, (July, 2015).

(4) Special issue “Emerging Asphalt Pavement in China: Design, Construction, Evaluation, and Recycling,” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluations, Vol. 44, No. 2, (March, 2016).

(5) Guest editor, “Horizons in Mechanical Engineering 2022”, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, (2022);

(6) Guest editor, “Insights in Solid and Structural Mechanics 2022”, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, (2022);

(7) Guest editor, “Application of Periodic Structure Theory with Finite Element Approach”, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, (2022);

Manuscript Referee for:

(1) Composites Science and Technology;

(2) Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing;

(3) Composites Part B: Engineering;

(4) Journal of Composite Materials;

(5) Polymer Composites;

(6) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites;

(7) Engineering Structures;

(8) Cement and Concrete Research;

(9) Journal of Materials Science;

(10) ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering;

(11) Journal of Vibration and Acoustics;

(12) International Journal of Solids and Structures;

(13) Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials;

(14) Structural Engineering and Mechanics;

(15) International Journal of Geomechanics;

(16) The Journal of Engineering Research;

(17) ACI Structure Journal.

(18) Chemical Engineering Communications;

(19) ASME Journal of Energy Resource Technology;

(20) Materials and Structures;

(21) Journal of Zhejiang University;

(22) Construction and Building Materials;

(23) Materials Letter;

(24) Recent Patent on Engineering;

(25) Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences;

(26) International Journal of Corrosion;

(27) Advances in Structural Engineering – An International Journal;

(28) ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction;

(29) International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics;

(30) ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering;

(31) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics;

(32) Journal of Cleaner Production;

(33) ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics;

(34) Journal of Sound and Vibration;

(35) Polymer;

(36) ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology;

(37) Recent Patent on Corrosion Science;

(38) Mechanics of Materials;

(39) KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering;

(40) ASCE Journal of Structure Engineering;

(41) Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration;

(42) ACI Materials Journal;

(43) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering;

(44) International Journal of Impact Engineering;

(45) Chinese Journal of Aeronautics;

(46) ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics;

(47) ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation;

(48) International Journal of Physical Science;

(49) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology;

(50) Smart Materials and Structures;

(51) Advanced Functional Materials;

(52) Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures;

(53) Fuel;

(54) Journal of Engineering for Marinetime Environment

(55) Journal of Applied Polymer Science;

(56) International Journal of Fracture;

(57) Engineering Fracture Mechanics;

(58) International Journal of Plasticity;

(59) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids;

(60) ACS Macro Letter;

(61) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology;

(62) Polymer Chemistry;

(63) Polymer International;

(64) Materials;

(65) Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids;

(66) Polymers;

(67) Experimental Mechanics;

(68) Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics;

(69) ACS Applied Materials and Interface;

(70) Journal of Fibers and Polymers;

(71) Journal of Macromolecule Science;

(72) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letter;

(73) Nano;

(74) Iranian Polymer Journal;

(75) Nature Chemistry;

(76) ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science;

(77) eXPRESS Polymer Letter;

(78) Soft Matter;

(79) Small;

(80) Materials and Design;

(81) ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics;

(82) Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences;

(83) International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

(84) RSC Advance;

(85) Chemical Science;

(86) Fluids;

(87) ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering;

(88) Actuator;

(89) RCS Nanoscale;

(90) Advanced Engineering Materials;

(91) Advance in Polymer Technology;

(92) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics;

(93) Sensors and Actuators A: Physical;

(94) Polymer Review;

(95) Progress in Polymer Science;

(96) Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry;

(97) Macromolecule Rapid Communications;

(98) Journal of Materials Chemistry A;

(99) Polymer Bulletin;

(100) Polymer Testing;

(101) Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials;

(102) Journal of Computational Chemistry;

(103) Current Smart Materials;

(104) Technologies;

(105) Macromolecules;

(106) Additive Manufacturing;

(107) Polymers for Advanced Technologies;

(108) Applied Sciences;

(109) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research;

(110) Nanoscale;

(111) JOM;

(112) Proceedings of the iMeche, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications;

(113) International Journal of Polymer Science;

(114) Thin Walled Structures;

(115) Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research;

(116) Materials Research Express;

(117) Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures;

(118) Proceedings of the iMeche, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications;

(119) Surface Review and Letters;

(120) Materials Horizons;

(121) Advanced Materials Technology;

(122) ACS Omega;

(123) Acta Materialla;

(124) ACS Applied Polymer Materials;

(125) Advanced Materials;

(126) Nature Communications;

(127) Journal of Materials Chemistry B;

(128) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research;

(129) International Journal of Mechanical Science;

(130) ChemSusChem;

(131) Journal of Polymer Engineering;

(132) Dalton Transactions;

(133) Polymer Science and Engineering;

(134) Applied Materials Today;

(135) European Polymer Journal;

(136) Scientific Reports;

(137) ACS Applied Bio Materials;

(138) Materials Today;

(139) Advanced Intelligent Systems;

(140) ChemistryOpen;

(141) Chemical Engineering Journal;

(142) European Polymer Journal;

(143) ACS Applied Nano Materials;

(144) ACS Applied Engineering Materials;

(145) Chinese Chemical Engineering Journal;

(146) Journal of Materials Science;

(147) AIP Materials;

(148) International Journal of Mechanical Science;

(149) Materials Today Chemistry;

(150) Materials & Design;

(151) Science.

Proposal Referee or panel member for:

1. National Research Council;

2. National Science Foundation;

3. Army Research Office;

4. American Chemical Society/Petroleum Research Fund;

5. Holland Science and Technology Foundation;

6. University of Kentucky Research Foundation;

7. John Wiley&Sons, Inc.;

8. McGraw-Hill, Inc.;

9. Elsevier;

10. Springer;

11. Bentham Science Publishers;

12. NASA;


14. Southern University OSP;

15. German Research Foundation;

16. Department of Energy;

Conference Proceeding Referee for:

(1) American Society for Engineering Education- Gulf-Southwest Section;


(3) ASME Heat Transfer Summer Conference;

(4) ASEE GSW Conference;

(5) International Conference on Composites in Civil Engineering;

(6) GeoShanghai Conference;

(7) ASME PVP Conference;

Symposium/Conference Session Committee, Chair, and Co-Chair

1. Symposium co-organizer “Damage Healing in Thermoset Polymers and Polymer Composites” in the 4th International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 15-18, 2023.

2. Co-chair, First LSU Graduate Research Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 26, 2023.

3. Co-chair, 2023 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

4. Co-chair, 2022 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

5. Co-chair, 2019 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

6. Co-chair, 2018 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

7. Co-chair, 2017 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

8. Advisory board member, 25th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/25), July 16-22, 2017, Rome, Italy.

9. Co-chair, 2016 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

10. Advisory board member, 24th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/24), July 17-23, 2016, Hainan, China.

11. Co-chair, 2015 ACAP SETS - Nano and Composite Technology Session.

12. Advisory board member, 23rd International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/23), July 12-18, 2015, Chengdu, China.

13. Advisory board member, 22th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/22), July 13-19, 2014, Malta.

14. Mini-symposium developer and chair on “Modeling of Shape Memory Polymers” in Plasticity 2014, January 3-8, 2014, Freeport, Bahamas.

15. Advisory board member, 21th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/21), July 22-27, 2013, Tenerife, Spain.

16. Advisory board member, 20th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/20), July 22-27, 2012, Beijing, China.

17. Advisory board member, 19th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/19), July 24-30, 2011, Shanghai, China.

18. Session co-organizer “2010 ASME PVP conference,” Bellevue, Washington, July 18–22 (2010).

19. Advisory board member, 18th International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE/18), Anchorage, Alaska, July 4-10, 2010.

20. Technical committee member “17th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/17)”, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 26-August 1, 2009.

21. Symposium Co-chair “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Section Chair “Section 1: Mechanics and Optimization,” and Local Organizing Committee Member in the First American Academy of Mechanics Conference (AAM2008), New Orleans, June 17-20, 2008.

22. Technical committee member “16th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/16)”, Kunming, China, July 20-26, 2008.

23. Session co-chair for Session W2B: NOVEL APPLICATIONS in the Third International the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC) Conference: Composites in Civil Engineering, Miami, Florida, December 13-15, 2006.

24. Session Chair and developer for “Sandwich Composite Structures” in the 14th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/14), Boulder, Colorado, July 2-8, 2006. I also served as a technical committee member and a distinguished speaker.

25. Session Chair for “Infrastructure Composite”11th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/11), Hilton Island, South Carolina, August 8-14, 2004.

26. Chair for Session 9d, “GENERAL III — Infrastructure Composite” in 9th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/9), San Diego, July 1-6, 2002.

27. Chair and Session Developer in 24th Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition (ETCE), Houston Texas, February 4 – 5, 2002, USA.

28. Chair and Session Developer in 23rd Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition (ETCE), Houston Texas, February 5 – 7, 2001, USA.

29. Co-chair for Session “Reinforced Polymer Materials, Joint Strength in Composites & Cutting Mechanisms, Chip Formation and Surface Features” in Energy Source Technology Conference & Exhibition (ETCE)/Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) joint conference, New Orleans, February 14 – 17, 2000, USA.

30. Chair for Session 6a “GENERAL IV composite piping” in 5th International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/5), Las Vegas, July 5 – 11, 1998, USA.

31. Co-Chair for ASME Petroleum Division/Offshore Technology Symposium (2001-2002).

32. Vice-Chair for ASME Petroleum Division/Offshore Technology Symposium (2000-2001).