
From Baton Rouge Metro Airport: [google map directions]

Get onto Highway 110 South towards the direction of downtown Baton Rouge; merge onto Highway 10 towards the direction of New Orleans; get off highway 10 at Dalrymple Dr. exit towards LSU direction (Exit 155B); stay on Dalrymple and then turn left onto Highland Rd., Chopping Hall is on the right side of the street between South Campus Rd. and South Stadium Rd.

Parking can be found in the big commuter parking lot at the intersection of Highland Rd. and South Stadium Rd. after 4:00 p.m. or next to the visitor information center at the intersection of Dalrymple Dr. and Highland Rd.

Mailing address:

Chemistry and Materials Building
437 Department of Chemistry
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803