Published Abstracts

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  • Wood, B.M., Gudo, M. & Homberger, D.G. 2018. Histology and 3D Modeling of the Connective Tissue Skeleton in the Trunk of a Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). FASEB J., 32 (April; Suppl.): TBA
  • Sonnier, B. & Homberger, D.G. 2018. 3D Modeling and Animation of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) of a Human Male with Implications for the Study of TMJ Dysfunction. FASEB J., 32 (April; Suppl.): TBA
  • Homberger, D.G. 2018. Applications of non-destructive 3D data acquisition and processing for biomechanical computation, soft tissue visualization, and 4D real-life animation. FASEB J., 32 (April; Suppl.): TBA
  • Osborn, M.L. & Homberger, D.G. 2017. Free-body Diagram Force Analysis in 2D and 3D: A Tool to Study Comparative Vertebrate Biomechanics. FASEB J., 31 (April, Suppl.): 577.9
  • Wood, B.M., Jia, G., Carmichael. O., McKlveen, K., Homberger, D.G. 2017. 3D Imaging using MRI of a Non-mineralized Complex Organism: The Jawless Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as a Model. FASEB J., 31 (April, Suppl.): 903.1
  • Homberger, D.G. 2017. Functional-morphological Diversity and Complexity of the Larynx as a Basis for Vocal Complexity in Birds: Analogies to Human Speech. FASEB J., 31 (April, Suppl.): 577.8
  • Homberger, D.G. 2016. Comparative beak morphology of two subspecies of Australian Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos: Small changes with significant functional effects as a model for macroevolutionary processes. Anatomical Record 299 (Special Feature: ICVM11-2016 Program and Abstracts): 24, 131-132
  • Cozic, A.M. & Homberger, D.G. 2016. The role of cervical air sacs in the vocalization of songbirds. Anatomical Record 299 (Special Feature: ICVM11-2016 Program and Abstracts): 41, 258-259
  • Wood, B.M., Kynard, B.E. & Homberger, D.G. 2016. Modeling the skeletomuscular system in Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus): An integrative approach from microdissection, 3D imaging, and field observations. Anatomical Record 299 (Special Feature: ICVM11-2016 Program and Abstracts): 41, 261.
  • Osborn, M.L. & Homberger, D.G. 2016. The head suspension apparatus of cats and the shoulder suspension apparatus of humans: Modeling a macroevolutionary transformation with extant organisms. Anatomical Record 299 (Special Feature: ICVM11-2016 Program and Abstracts): 27, 134-135.
  • Cozic, A.M. & Homberger, D.G. 2015. The Paired Cervico-Cephalic Air Sacs and their Role in the Vocalizations of Songbirds. FASEB J., 29 (April, Suppl.): 867.9.
  • Wood, B.M., B.E. Kynard, & D.G. Homberger 2015. A dorsal longitudinal ligament in Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus): A novel structure involved in trunk movements. FASEB J., 29 (April, Suppl.): 867.11.
  • Homberger, D.G. & Cozic, A.M. 2015. New insights in the functional anatomy of the neck and its organs in songbirds. Integr. Comp. Biol. 55 (suppl 1): e82. doi: 10.1093/icb/icv011
  • Homberger, D.G. 2014. The Interdependent Evolution of the Flight, Feeding, Respiratory and Vocalization Apparatus in Birds: Advances in 3D Visualization and Animation. Ornithological Science, 13 (Supplement): 167.
  • Blevins, C.E., Ge, J., Suthers, R.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2014. An animated 3D model of the synchronous movements of the suprasyringeal structures and organs in the neck of a vocalizing songbird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). FASEB J., 28 (April, Suppl.): 918.8
  • Cozic, A.M., Suthers, R.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2014. The cervical cutaneous and subcutaneous structures in songbirds and their possible roles in vocalization. FASEB J., 28 (April, Suppl.): 918.10
  • Paulk, K.L., McFerren, S.C. & Homberger, D.G. 2014. The opening and closing mechanism of the spiracle in the Spiny Dogfish Shark, Squalus acanthias. FASEB J., 28 (April, Suppl.): 918.20
  • Blevins, C.E., Ge, J., Suthers, R.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2014. Modeling a Complex Skeleto-Muscular System in 3D: The Vocalizing Behavior of a Songbird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Integr. Comp. Biol. 54 (suppl 1): e20. doi: 10.1093/icb/icu008
  • Osborn, M.L., Ge, J., K.P. Melancon, A.R.P. Rau & D.G. Homberger. 2014. Bad Posture and its Effects on the Neck and Shoulder Suspension Apparatus of Humans: A 3D Biomechanical Analysis. Integr. Comp. Biol. 54 (suppl 1): e158. doi: 10.1093/icb/icu008
  • Osborn, M.L., Ge, J., Melancon, K.P., Rau, A.R.P. & Homberger, D.G. 2013. The Effect of Posture on the Neck and Shoulder Suspension Apparatus of Humans: A 3D Biomechanical Analysis. FASEB J., 27 (April 9):747.5
  • Blevins, C.E., Ge, J., Suthers, R.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2013. Depicting Structure and Function of Complex Skeleto-Muscular Systems in 3D: The Singing Behavior of a Songbird, Cardinalis cardinalis, as a Model for Human Speech. FASEB J., 27 (April 9):531.3
  • Bonin, J. & Homberger, D. 2012. Possible convergent evolution of yellow psittacofulvin colors in the feathers of cockatoos (Cacatuidae) and parrots (Psittacidae). FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 722.23.
  • Orellana, E.R., Dubansky, B.H. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. Comparative functional morphology of the avian integument: Implications for the evolutionary history of feathers. FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 722.22.
  • Bragulla, H.H., Homberger, D.G. & Wood, B.M. 2012. The postnatal development of the paranasal sinuses in the horse. FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 907.12
  • Osborn, M.L. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. Comparative functional morphology of the head suspension of quadrupedal cats and the shoulder suspension of bipedal humans. FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 455.4.
  • Dubansky, B.H. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. The expansion and recoil mechanism of the skin of alligators and its implications for their feeding mechanism. FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 723.2
  • Wood, B.M., Andermann, R.J. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. The myomere-myoseptal intersections in a lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and a shark (Squalus acanthias). FASEB J., 26 (March 29): 730.5.
  • Bonin, J.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. Optical properties of yellow psittacofulvin colors in the tail feathers of cockatoos (Cacatuidae) and parrots (Psittacidae). Poster abstract P1. 124 in Integr. Comp. Biol. 52 (suppl 1): e202-e356. doi: 10.1093/icb/ics079.
  • Wood, B.M., Andermann, R.J. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. The morphology of the myomere-myoseptal intersections in a lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and a shark (Squalus acanthias). Poster abstract P3.180 in Integr. Comp. Biol. 52 (suppl 1): e202-e356. doi: 10.1093/icb/ics079.
  • Dubansky, B.H. & Homberger, D.G. 2012. Biomechanical properties of the intermandibulo-cervical integument in alligators: Implications for a more accurate understanding of the alligator feeding mechanism. Oral abstract 89.2 in Integr. Comp. Biol. 52 (suppl 1): e1-e201. doi:10.1093/icb/ics078.
  • Homberger, D.G. & Dubansky, B.H. 2012. Functional morphology of the crocodilian and avian integument: Implications for the evolutionary origin of feathers in dinosaurs. Oral abstract 67.2 in Integr. Comp. Biol. 52 (suppl 1): e1-e201. doi:10.1093/icb/ics078.
  • Hopkins, B.A. & Homberger, D.G. 2011. Functional morphology of the cranio-cervical integument and constrictor musculature in Alligator mississippiensis. FASEB J., 25 (March 17): 867.3.
  • Osborn, M.L. & Homberger, D.G. 2011. Biomechanical analysis of the human head-neck-shoulder complex: Asymmetry as a natural experiment. FASEB J., 25 (March 17): 867.7.
  • Broussard, K.H., da Cunha, A.F., Beaufrere, H., Tully, T.N., & Homberger, D.G. 2011.Clinical neuroanatomy of the wing of the Hispaniolan Amazon Parrot (Amazona ventralis). Proceedings of the 11th European Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference (EAAV) and 1st European College of Zoological Medicine (ECZM) Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 April 2011:389-391.
  • da Cunha, A., Acierno, M., Strain, G.M., Sanchez, D., Guzman, M., Rademacher, N., Tully, T.N., Homberger, D. & Ritchie, B.W. 2009. Comparison between palpation, ultrasound and nerve stimulation guided techniques for brachial plexus block in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots (Amazona ventralis). Proceedings of the 10th European Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference (AAV) and 8th Scientific European College of Avian Medicine and Surgery (ECAMS) Meeting, Antwerp, Belgium, 17-21 March 2009: 25-26.
  • da Cunha, A., Acierno, M., Strain, G.M., Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, D., Tully, T.N., Homberger, D.G., & Ritchie, B.W. 2008. Comparison between palpation, ultrasound, and nerve stimulation guidance for brachial plexus blocks in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians, Savannah, Georgia, 11-14 August 2008: 19-20.
  • Homberger, D.G., Hopkins, B.A., Osborn, M., Castille, A., Bragulla, H.H., Matthews II, K.L., Barnett, H., Butler, L., & Tully, T.N. 2007. The ridge pattern of the cornified oral surface of the upper beak of parrots: Individuality and genus-level character. J. Morph., 268 (12): 1086.
  • Homberger, D.G., Barnett, H., Ogunbakin, T., Ham, K., Matthews II, K.L., Butler, L., & Bragulla, H.H. 2007. The microarchitecture of the cornified epidermal sheath of the cat claw. J. Morph, 268 (12): 1086.
  • Bragulla, H.H., Barnett, H., Ogunbakin, T., Osborn, M., Ham, K., Matthews II, K.L., Butler, L., & Homberger, D.G. 2007. The development and vascularization of the bony core (third phalanx) of the cat claw. J. Morph, 268 (12): 1052.
  • Bragulla, H.H., Gaines, S.A., Henk, W.G., Homberger, D.G., & Hillmann, D.J. 2007. Development and resorption of deciduous teeth in the Bowhead Whale fetus (Balaena mysticetus; Mysticeti: Balaenidae). J. Morph., 268 (12): 1052.
  • Homberger D.G., Castille, A., Dubansky, B., Hopkins, B.A., Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, D., Roundtree, L., & Tully, T.N. 2007. Determining individual characteristics of palatal and maxillary filing ridges in the beaks of Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis). Proceedings of the 9th European Association of Avian Veterinarians Conference and 7th European College of Avian Medicine & Surgery Scientific Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 27-31 March 2007: 59-60
  • Ham, K.G., Barnett, H.A., Ogunbakin, T., Homberger, D.G., Bragulla, H.H., Castille, A.R., Matthews II, K., Willson, C.S., & Butler, L.G. 2006. Imaging tissue structures: assessment of absorption and phase-contrast x-ray tomography imaging at 2nd and 3rd generation synchrotrons. Abstract OEI303 81 in Proceedings of SPIE, Proc. SPIE 6318: 631822 (10 pages)
  • Gudo, M. & Homberger, D. G. 2004. Retro-Engineering: A Morphological-Analytical Method for Inferring Function and Evolution of Extinct Organisms. J. Morph., 260 (3): 295-296.
  • Homberger, D.G. 2003. The evolution of feeding adaptations of Australian cockatoos: Evidence for a Gondwanan origin of Psittaciformes. P. 181 in Program and Book of Abstracts of VII Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Termas de Puyehue, Chile, 5-10 October. (abstract)
  • Homberger, D.G. 2001. Functional morphology of a predator-prey relationship: Australian cockatoos and woody fruits. Amer. Zool., 41 (6): 1474-1475. (abstract)
  • Homberger, D.G. 2001. The evolution of the avian integument: A model exemplifying the process of macroevolutionary transformation. J. Morph., 248 (3): 242.
  • Chuong, C.-M. & Homberger, D.G. 2001. Development and evolution of the amniote integument and its accessory structures. J. Morph. 248 (3): 217. Abstract.
  • Homberger, D.G., Starck, J.M. & Zweers, G.A. 2001. Symposium: Synthetic evolutionary morphology — The contributions of Walter J. Bock. J. Morph. 248 (3): 242.
  • Homberger, D.G., Starck, J.M., & Zweers, G.A. 2001. Theoretical and empirical underpinnings of functional morphology. J. Morph. 248 (3): 242.
  • Homberger, D. G. 2001. Materials towards an intellectual biography of Walter J. Bock. J. Morph. 248 (3): 242.
  • Homberger, D.G. 1998. Review of E. Mayr (1997): This is Biology. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Auk, 115 (4): 1085-1088.
  • Homberger, D.G. 1997. The role of the larynx in articulated vocalization of birds. Amer. Zool., 37 (5): 136A.
  • Homberger, D.G. & de Silva, K.N. 1997. The mechanism of feather movement and the hydrostatic role of cutaneous and subcutaneous fat. J.Morph., 232 (3): 266.
  • Homberger, D.G. 1996. The quadrato-mandibular joint of parrots — A case study of the adaptive significance of a structure. Amer. Zool., 36 (5): 21A.
  • de Silva, K. and D.G. Homberger. 1994. Functional anatomy of the constrictor-dermotemporalis muscular complex in the domestic turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, and its relationships to the superficial fascia and feather tracts. Amer. Zool., 35 (5): 59A.
  • Homberger, D.G. 1994. The adaptive radiation of the ecology, bill structure, and feeding mechanism of Australian cockatoos as a model for the evolution of seed predation in Psittaciformes. J.f.Ornithol., 135 (3): 435.
  • Homberger, D.G. 1994. The hyoid suspension apparatus as a structural constraint of feeding mechanisms in birds and mammals. J.Morph., 220 (3): 355.