
Ishtiyak's and Spencer's paper published in Inorganic Chemistry

6/21/2024: Congratulations to Ishtiyak and Spencer on their paper published in Inorganic Chemistry: "Advancing Heteroanionicity in Zintl Phases: Crystal Structures, Thermoelectric and Magnetic Properties of Two Quaternary Semiconducting Arsenide Oxides, Eu8Zn2As6O and Eu14Zn5As12O" They did a great job studying two novel complex oxyarsenides! Check more using the link:

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Spencer's paper published in Crystals

6/20/2024: Congratulations to Spencer and Lindsey on their paper published in Crystals. They did a great job discovering three novel unreported barium arsenides: Ba3As4, Ba5As4, and Ba16As11! Sometimes, even in 2024, we can still discover binary compounds, showcasing the brilliance of synthetic solid-state chemistry!

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High school student Beau joins the Lab

6/4/2024: High school student Beau Legnon from Episcopal High School joins the Lab for ESTAAR Summer program! Beau will work with Thimira on studying coordination complexes of rare-earth metals! Welcome aboard!

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Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award

5/21/2024: Sviatoslav received a 2024 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award through the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). We are going to squeeze Zintl phases of diverse dimensionalities and explore their structures under high pressures.

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First external funding

5/15/2024: The Baranets Research Group received funding from the Louisiana Board of Regents Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS). We will focus on understanding the factors influencing the formation and design of novel heteroanionic narrow-gap salt-like semiconductors, performing comprehensive characterization, and thoroughly evaluating their suitability for thermoelectric applications. Thank you to the Louisiana Board of Regents!

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New Group Picture

5/2/2024: Our group grows! We almost doubled since spring 2024. Meet the great team of the Baranets Lab!

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Undergraduates Larissa and Jacko join the Lab

4/25/2024: Undergraduate students Larissa Najera and Jacko Xiao join the Lab! Welcome aboard!

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Chemistry Olympiad 2024

4/19/2024: Once again, we hosted the team of 20 talented young scientists for the Baton Rouge Local Section Exam. 8 best students from 5 high schools were selected to compete in the 2024 US National Chemisty Olympiad Exam. Thank you, Gayomi, Spencer, Thimira, Olia, and Connor for help.

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Alyssa wins SURE Award

4/1/2024: Alyssa Greenwade received a Supervised Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Award! The award is sponsored by the NSF and the Louisiana Board of Regents and provides a one-year scholarship. Congratulations, Alyssa, on this great achievement.

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Spring 2024 ACS Meeting

3/17/2024: Strong representation of the group at the Spring 2024 ACS Meeting in New Orleans. Spencer, Thimira, and Gayomi are presenting posters, while Ishtiyak and Sviatoslav have oral talks.

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Gayomi wins ACS DIC Travel Award

3/8/2024: Congratulations to Gayomi, who won a national travel award from the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society for the 2024 ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans!

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Paper published in Nanoscale

3/6/2024: Our paper "M. Ishtiyak, S.M.G.K. Samarakoon, T. Kandabadage Don, S.R. Watts, S. Baranets. Novel Ternary Zintl Phosphide Halides Ba3P5X (X = Cl, Br) with 1D Helical Phosphorus Chains: Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structure" is published in Nanoscale. Paper is featured on the inside front cove and is part of the special issue "Nanoscale 2024 Emerging Investigators". Congratulations to the team!

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Gayomi and Spencer attended the FQM school

1/22/2024: Gayomi and Spencer attended the 7th Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School, held at the University of Maryland on January 15-19, 2024. It was focused on High Pressure Synthesis and Measurement, and included a combination of fundamental materials synthesis instruction as well as lectures on experimental techniques and practices from an impressive list of invited speakers.

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Paper published in Inorganics

12/20/2023: Our paper (collaborated with Prof. Bobev @UD) on novel 5-8 Zintl antimonide was published in Inorganics. Congratulations Gayomi with the first first-authored paper at LSU. Once again, it was featured on the journal cover.

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Undergraduates Mykyta and Amiracle join the Lab

01/2024: Undergraduate students Mykyta Skyba and Amiracle McMillian join the Lab! Welcome to the lab!

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Lindsey graduates

12/15/2023: Congratulations to Lindsey Wingate, who graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry. Lindsey contributed to the synthesis and characterization of the novel Ztinl pnictides and oxypnictides. She will join the Chemistry department at Oregon State University. Good luck in grad school!

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Connor and Olia join the Lab

12/13/2023: Welcome to the second cohort of graduate students: Connor Donnelly (Unversity of Delaware) and Olha Pokhvata (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine).

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SWRM 2023

11/16/2023: Sviatoslav attended the 2023 Southwestern Regional Meeting and gave an oral presentation.

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Super Science Saturday 2023

10/28/2023: Our group showcased the magic of solid-state and materials chemistry, spreading our love for science and engaging with the community.

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Undergraduate student Alyssa joins the Lab

8/15/2023: Undergraduate student Alyssa Greenwade joins the Lab! She will work alongside Thimira. Welcome aboard!

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Gayomi's first paper published

7/27/2023: Our paper on the discovery and characterization of the novel Zintl barium antimonides is published in ZAAC. It is also featured on the cover of the journal.

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7/11/2023: Sviatoslav visited Oak Ridge National Lab.

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NSF Early Career Workshop

5/23/2023: Sviatoslav attended the NSF Early Career Workshop

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Alex graduates

5/19/2023: Congratulations to Alex, who graduated with a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry. Good luck in your future endeavors!

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Dr. Ishtiyak joins the Lab

Mohd Ishtiyak joins the Baranets Lab

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Summer Stipend Award from ORED

4/24/2023: Sviatoslav received the Summer Stipend Award from the LSU Office of Research and Development. The award is a part of LSU Provost's Fund for Innovation in Research.

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LSU hosted US National Chemistry Olympiad Exam

4/22/2023: It was a great pleasure to host the team of talented young chemists. 6 students from four high schools in Baton Rouge completed the 2023 US National Chemisty Olympiad Exam. Thank you Gayomi, Spencer, and Thimira for helping with organization of the event!

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Our first Group photo

04/04/2023: Our first Group photo!

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Undergraduates Alex and Lindsey join the Lab

12/2022: Undergraduate students Alexandra Fields and Lindsey Wingate join the Lab! Welcome to the lab!

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Thimira, Gayomi, and Spencer join the Lab

12/20/2022: Welcome to the first cohort of graduate students: Thimira Kandabadage Don (B.Sc. Institute of Chemistry Ceylon), Gayomi Samarakoon (B.Sc. University of Kelaniya), and Spencer Watts (B.Sc. Clemson University).

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Paper published in Materials Today Advances

10/27/2022: Our paper (collaborated with Prof. Bobev @UD) on thermoelectric properties of rare-earth metal substituted 9-4-9 Zintl phases was published.

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Paper published in Crystals

10/17/2022: Our paper (collaborated with Prof. Bobev @UD) on novel 3-1-3 Zintl phase was published.

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Paper published in Dalton Transactions

8/17/2022: Our paper (collaborated with Prof. Bobev @UD) on novel 10-6-12 Zintl phases was published.

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GRC 2022

07/2022: Sviatoslav attended the 2022 Solid-State Chemistry Gordon Research Conference.

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Welcome to the Baranets Research Group at LSU

7/18/2022: Let's begin our journey!

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