After Joining LSU ( * corresponding author, #undergraduate/high school researcher)
- Rinee, K. C.; Patton, Z. E.#; Gillilan, R. E.; Huang, Q.; Pingali, S. V.; Heroux, L.; Xu, A. Y.*, Elucidating the porous structure of aluminum adjuvants via in-situ small-angle scattering technique. Vaccine 2025, 50, 126813.
- Biswas, S.; Hecht, A. L.#; Noble, S. A.#; Huang, Q.; Gillilan, R. E.; Xu, A. Y.*, Understanding the Impacts of Molecular and Macromolecular Crowding Agents on Protein-Polymer Complex Coacervates. Biomacromolecules 2023, 24 (11), 4771-4782.
- Xu, A. Y.*; Blanco, M. A.; Castellanos, M. M.; Meuse, C. W.; Mattison, K.; Karageorgos, I.; Hatch, H. W.; Shen, V. K.; Curtis, J. E., Role of Domain-Domain Interactions on the Self-Association and Physical Stability of Monoclonal Antibodies: Effect of pH and Salt. J Phys Chem B 2023, 127 (39), 8344-8357.
- Biswas, S.; Melton, L. D.; Nelson, A. R. J.; Le Brun, A. P.; Heinrich, F.; McGillivray, D. J.; Xu, A. Y.*, The Assembly Mechanism and Mesoscale Architecture of Protein-Polysaccharide Complexes Formed at the Solid-liquid Interface. Langmuir 2022, 38 (41), 12551-12561.
- Xu, A. Y.*; Rinee, K. C.; Stemple, C.#; Castellanos, M. M.; Bakshi, K.; Krueger, S.; Curtis, J. E., Counting the water: Characterize the hydration level of aluminum adjuvants using contrast matching small-angle neutron scattering. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 648, 129285.
- Xu, A. Y.; Clark, N. J.; Pollastrini, J.; Espinoza, M.; Kim, H. J.; Kanapuram, S.; Kerwin, B.; Treuheit, M. J.; Krueger, S.; McAuley, A.; Curtis, J. E., Effects of Monovalent Salt on Protein-Protein Interactions of Dilute and Concentrated Monoclonal Antibody Formulations. Antibodies (Basel) 2022, 11 (2).
- Olubowale, O. H.; Biswas, S.; Azom, G.; Prather, B. L.; Owoso, S. D.; Rinee, K. C.; Marroquin, K.; Gates, K. A.; Chambers, M. B.; Xu, A.; Garno, J. C., "May the Force Be with You!" Force-Volume Mapping with Atomic Force Microscopy. ACS Omega 2021, 6 (40), 25860-25875.
- Xu, A. Y.; McGillivray, D. J.; Dingley, A. J., Active antibacterial coating of cotton fabrics with antimicrobial proteins. Cellulose 2021, 28 (12), 8077-8094.
Before Joining LSU
- Jo, S.; Xu, A.; Curtis, J. E.; Somani, S.; MacKerell, A. D., Jr., Computational Characterization of Antibody-Excipient Interactions for Rational Excipient Selection Using the Site Identification by Ligand Competitive Saturation-Biologics Approach. Mol Pharm 2020, 17 (11), 4323-4333.
- Xu, A. Y.; Castellanos, M. M.; Mattison, K.; Krueger, S.; Curtis, J. E., Studying Excipient Modulated Physical Stability and Viscosity of Monoclonal Antibody Formulations Using Small-Angle Scattering. Mol Pharm 2019, 16 (10), 4319-4338.
- Xu, A. Y.*; Melton, L. D.; Ryan, T. M.; Mata, J. P.; Rekas, A.; Williams, M. A. K.; McGillivray, D. J., Effects of polysaccharide charge pattern on the microstructures of β-lactoglobulin-pectin complex coacervates, studied by SAXS and SANS. Food Hydrocolloids 2018, 77, 952-963.
- Xu, A. Y.; Kizilay, E.; Madro, S. P.#; Vadenais, J. Z.#; McDonald, K. W.#; Dubin, P. L., Dilution induced coacervation in polyelectrolyte-micelle and polyelectrolyte-protein systems. Soft Matter 2018, 14 (12), 2391-2399.
- Comert, F.; Xu, A. Y.; Madro, S. P.#; Liadinskaia, V.; Dubin, P. L., The so-called critical condition for polyelectrolyte-colloid complex formation. J Chem Phys 2018, 149 (16), 163321.
- Fan, Y.; Kellermeier, M.; Xu, A. Y.; Boyko, V.; Mirtschin, S.; Dubin, P. L., Modulation of Polyelectrolyte–Micelle Interactions via Zeta Potentials. Macromolecules 2017, 50 (14), 5518-5526.
- Comert, F.; Nguyen, D.#; Rushanan, M.; Milas, P.; Xu, A. Y.; Dubin, P. L., Precipitate-Coacervate Transformation in Polyelectrolyte-Mixed Micelle Systems. J Phys Chem B 2017, 121 (17), 4466-4473.
- Xu, A. Y.; Melton, L. D.; Ryan, T. M.; Mata, J. P.; Jameson, G. B.; Rekas, A.; Williams, M. A.; McGillivray, D. J., Sugar-coated proteins: the importance of degree of polymerisation of oligo-galacturonic acid on protein binding and aggregation. Soft Matter 2017, 13 (14), 2698-2707.
- Xu, A. Y.; Melton, L. D.; Williams, M. A. K.; McGillivray, D. J., Protein and polysaccharide conjugates as emerging scaffolds for drug delivery systems. International Journal of Nanotechnology 2017, 14 (1-6), 470-480.
- Xu, A. Y.; Melton, L. D.; Jameson, G. B.; Williams, M. A.; McGillivray, D. J., Structural mechanism of complex assemblies: characterisation of beta-lactoglobulin and pectin interactions. Soft Matter 2015, 11 (34), 6790-9.
- L. D. Melton, A. Y. Xu. Interactions of Macromolecules: beta-Lactoglobulin Interaction with Pectins. Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry. eBook ISBN: 9780128140451