Participate in Research

Our lab is always seeking participants for our research studies. These studies typically compensate participants with either a monetary reward or, in the case of psychology undergraduates, extra credit in their psychology courses via the LSU SONA system.

Our lab has multiple ongoing research projects looking at cognitive abilities, everyday functioning, and mental health symptoms. To do this, we administer tests of thinking ability and ask questions about your thoughts and emotions. Our studies include those taking place on-campus at LSU,  in settings in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas (e.g., senior living communities), and virtually with participants completing studies online from their own homes.

We are currently looking to recruit the following participant populations:

  • Adults aged 50 years or older


  • Those with acquired brain injury (e.g., due to traumatic brain injury, stroke, enceplalitis, infections such as meningitis or encephalitis, anoxic brain injury, asphyxiation, strangulation or aspiration, brain tumors, and others).

For more information about which studies you might qualify for, please email us at