Sample Data Sets for Spatial Analysis Methods

Sample Data Sets for Illustrative Examples in:

David W S Wong and Fahui Wang, 2017, Spatial Analysis Methods, in Bo Huang (Editor in Chief) "Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems", Thomas J Cova (Editor, Volume "Principles and Technical Designs of GIS"), Elsevier.

Posted on Jan 20, 2017

  1. Sample Data for "An illustrative example for centrographic measures" in Section 1:
  2. Sample Data for "An illustrative example for quadrat analysis, ordered neighbor statistics and K-function" in Section 2:
  3. Sample Data for "An illustrative example for colocation analysis of two types of points" in Section 3: see the previously posted blog "A toolkit for measuring localized colocation quotient (LCLQ)"
  4. Sample Data for "An illustrative example for area-based spatial autocorrelation measures" in Section 4:
  5. Sample Data for "An illustrative example for REDCAP and MLR methods" in Section 5: