A toolkit for measuring localized colocation quotient (LCLQ)

First Released on Jan 25, 2016

Updated on Nov 2, 2017 (sample data set is updated)

Two toolkits (Localized_CLQ.exe and Global_CLQ.exe) are developed to automate the computations of Localized Colocation Quotient (LCLQ) and Global Colocation Quotient (GCLQ), respectively. The outputs also include results on corresponding statistical significance tests. Please cite:

  • Wang, F., Hu, Y., Wang, S., and Li, X. 2017. Local Indicator of Colocation Quotient with a Statistical Significance Test: Examining Spatial Association of Crime and Facilities.The Professional Geographer 69: 22-31, DOI:10.1080/00330124.2016.1157498.